May 02, 2020  •  1 Comment

Boy in a boxCovid-19 Somerset Lifestyle PhotographyWhiling away the hours during the Covid-19 lockdown

Okay, hands up,  I'm not the greatest Blogger, and I probably put the "Anti' into Social Media, but a girl has to start somewhere…

Maybe I can put this down to being the shy and retiring type, or maybe it's because I usually have plenty enough to manage running my studio and photography business, all the while chasing round after two full-tilt teenagers. But just recently things have definitely changed, slowed down, stopped and then, laid down on the ground and started staring at the sky. Like most other folk, I am taking on a wholly different perspective.

The first couple of weeks involved some manic digging of the vegetable garden as I convinced myself that the fenced off island occupied by me and my family would need to become a source of sustenance through the hard times to come, and after all, there is only limited nutrition to be had from bindweed, ground elder and nettles.

Then, the perhaps the inevitable, low mood, questions and re-evaluations.

I’m not the only one to ask what the heck has all this been about for the past heaven knows how long. Stuck on the running mill of life with the control set permanently in top speed, it shouldn’t really come as a great surprise when Covid-19 rammed a screwdriver of uncertainty into the  gears. The abrupt stop throwing humanity headlong into the long and unfamiliar long grass of zero travel, zero work, zero social contact and then wierdly, zero sleep.

Still, on the upside, I’ve learned that I can use Zoom to catch up with much missed friends relatives all over the world, we have plenty of food for now (just as well, it turns out that I’m not cut out for growing my own veg) and we have plenty of time.

Time to think … now that is a novel idea. Time to enjoy time. Time to start making, what at first seems, the small adjustments that will help me and my family cope and manage in the future. Time to think about what the future might be.

So, while turning to The Blog wasn't the answer I was expecting from the cosmos, certainly not something that I contemplated, I set out to explore these adjustments. It might stop again as suddenly as it started, but for now, the blog goes on ….



What a great photo to illustrate how life is at the moment,how to relax while being boxed in. We have a lot to learn from our young children lieing on your back with your feet in the air a great relaxation technique. The words give food for thought too.
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